so much as中文,so much as的意思,so much as翻譯及用法 您所在的位置:网站首页 so much as用法 so much as中文,so much as的意思,so much as翻譯及用法

so much as中文,so much as的意思,so much as翻譯及用法

#so much as中文,so much as的意思,so much as翻譯及用法| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

however, in so much as designers should also code their innovations, there are downsides to this scenario.


think of it not as messing so much as digressing.


kelly: ah, so it「s all about if you think that the people waiting in line with you are waiting just as long, you dont mind it so much as if you think they might be sneaking up 17 seconds before you.

凱莉:啊,所以關鍵在於,如果你認為人們排隊等待的時間與你等待的一樣長,你就不介意多等一會,反過來,如果你認為他們可能會偷著領先你17秒,你就生氣了, 受不了了。

we now pass through these electronic friskers without so much as a sideways glance; the machines, and what they stand for, have won.


for the most part, the purely desktop user」s sensibilities are not sapping the free software culture so much as being accommodated and isolated as a special case.


the true targets here weren’t the dirty details and the individuals responsible for them; not those in power, in other words, so much as power itself, its structure.


before you so much as hit the space bar, call up a friend, preferably a technically inclined one, and try to describe what happened.


「i assure you, i feel it exceedingly, 」 said lady catherine; 「i believe nobody feels the loss of friends so much as i do.


but when she cheerfully tried on the rented dress at home, her mother went to the kitchen without so much as a glance at the dress and refused to come back to see how it fit.


this new world is not -- and will not be -- one global village, so much as a network of different ones.


one can get it from so much as touching them or sharing their towels and spoons and forks.


on the other hand, none of my friends so much as own a personal blog, much less partake in professional blogging.


to him, this did not look like the seat of a regime preparing to bow out, so much as that of one that saw itself as the founder of a dynasty, built to last.


integralmedicine is designed, in part, to help with those dilemmas, not so much as theyeffect the patient or client, but as they effect the physician and health-carepractitioner.


billions penetrate every square centimetre of the earth’s surface every second without so much as a quiver. this makes them rather hard to detect.


」nothing fascinates the american public so much as the notion that what you eat rather than how much you eat affects your health, " said dr. libby, the harvard professor.


funerals are not really about the deceased so much as those who are left behind.


those of us over 40 don't remember having so much as a conversation about food allergies in school.


we should not look at this so much as a race with them but as a question to ourselves: what are we as a nation capable of, and is this still important to us.


no other city, not even athens in ancient times, has been fought over so much as jerusalem.


「i am very focused,」 she counters, exasperated by the rumour mill. 「i am not asking for sympathy so much as fairness,」 but 「no one cares about that at this point.


another point of view is that higher commodity prices may not signal recovery so much as strangle it at birth.


one reason for this confusion, hays explained, is that the algorithm is not designed to recognize specific objects so much as it is to recognize geographic areas.


what the visitors see here resembles nothing so much as a company town run by a patriarchal family with a successful business and strict loyalty to the political system.


i had not so much as kissed a man in seven years, nor dated one in a decade, and had no expectation of doing either, barring a shift of tectonic plates.







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